Waze.Tools CMON Waze.Tools CMON CMON
About Waze.Tools CMON
App Name
Waze.Tools CMON
Waze Italian Map Completion Monitor
5.01.GA (MDC 14.00.0/DsLibV3)
Release Date
Apr 14, 2024
License Type
Developed By
Developed With
Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java (https://www.eclipse.org/)
System Details
Linux amd64 kernel 3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.x86_64 with Java Virtual Machine Specification v.25.412-b08 by Red Hat, Inc.
System Location
Hosting Credits
DB Cluster Router
Network Status
Connection Latency
Ping time in ms to the nearest NAP, FRA-IX)
Web Server Traffic
Amount of data served by this ethernet interface
Rack Temperature
Values in °C - Server will shutdown if over 95°
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